Commitment Calling, 80 Day Obsession!

When I first started this whole fitness thing, I made the decision to be in it for the long haul. I had a few at-home workout programs to choose from at the time (now I have like hundreds), so I went with cardio because I had basically NO equipment at home. I chose INSANITY.

(I know, I know…what was I thinking?!)
I completed the 8 week program, although it wasn’t so pretty at times, and I felt great. Not because I killed some ridiculous cardio, but because I actually committed to something that was longer than some promised quick fix. 60 days, dedicated to me. And now? In a time when I personally am ready to re-commit and SO MANY OF YOU are ready to make this thing HAPPEN, it is time to dedicate 80 days!
Here’s the details on my BETA 80 DAY OBSESSION TEST GROUP

The BASICS on the 80 Day Obsession program:
Autumn really breaks it down with this program. It focuses on your abs and booty, and let me tell you, IT WORKS! My little crack in the back is finally getting toned and firm!! Even if you have weight to loose you are going to shed lbs, build lean muscle and you are going to tone your entire body.There are 3 phases of workouts over the course of 13 weeks. In total there are 97 days of workouts because you get Sundays off as a rest day.The workouts range from 45-60 minutes, and as always, there is a modifier.Autumn introduces timed nutrition, which is a macro-nutrient plan that is timed to produce amazing results.
What Is The Nutrition Plan Like?
I can tell you that the nutrition plan follows the portion fix containers for measurements but it is totally different than the 21 day fix or other Beachbody programs. You are eating at specific times of the day and you have a pre and post workout meal. You can keep it basic and follow the meal plan or you can get fancy with your recipes. I honestly prefer to keep it as simple as possible. I replace 1 meal or snack a day with Shakeology and I use the Beachbody Performance Line every single day. I use the Energize pre workout, the hydrate during my workout, recovery post workout and recharge 30 minutes before bed at night. It truly is my saving grace. I will say that it is worth every single penny of investment. I will be going into more detail with the meal plan in the next few weeks. The best part about the whole program is that you get to have a refeed day in which you get to have more carbs to refuel and jolt your body back into results. The first refeed happened at week 6!
Who is the 80 Day Obsession for?
This program is for anyone who wants to literally get strict with their nutrition and see how far they can go with results!! You do need to have a base level of fitness and you do have to understand portion fix and clean eating.
This program is good for:
-Those that want a leaner, firmer, more sculpted body
-Women looking to add some curves WITHOUT bulking up
-Anyone who wants a tighter, more defined booty and flatter abs
-Fitness fans looking for an intense, holistic workout that they can do at home
My 80 Day Obsession Challenge Group will be starting workouts on January 15th. I’m going to help you out with the timed nutrition, designing meal plans, sticking with your workouts, troubleshooting, and focusing on YOURSELF!
The program does not officially become available in the Beachbody On Demand Library until January 15th, but you will be able to purchase your package starting on December 14th. You will have access on January 8th to the nutrition plan (timed nutrition). If you have been with Beachbody for awhile, you know that you can get some programs on DVD. The 80 Day Obsession will NOT launch on DVD and will only be available to stream with Beachbody on Demand.

Reserve Your Spot In My Beta 80 Day Obsession Group TODAY!
I have recently had a personal call with Autumn Calabrese to talk about her personal take on nutrition, how the timed meal work with this program, and exactly how to help others be successful throughout this program.
If you are ready to reserve your spot in my small group 80 Day Obsession group – complete the application below to apply.
In this group each participant MUST commit to:
-Showing up daily and participating in the group.
-Following the timed nutrition plan for your body type and goals.
-Replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the group.
**highly recommended but optional is the Performance line supplements.
– I must be your assigned coach.
This is a BETA TEST GROUP which means you will be the FIRST to go through the program! You have the opportunity to win $500 for completing the program and submitting your results plus you have the opportunity to become a Beachbody Challenge Winner and earn additional money for your transformation. I am looking for people that are seriously committed to rocking this program and your results. We will START on the 8th of January with our prep week and then on the 15th of January with day 1.
In the meantime… this launch eventhas been created and we are preparing for the launch!!!!!
Are you ready to reserve your spot NOW?


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