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Hi! I’m Tasia.​ I am a 38 year old entrepreneur who completely stumbled upon some of the best experiences of my life. As a college bartender in 2004, I was pouring $1 draft beers and making well-liquor shots by the dozen. It wasn’t fancy, but it opened a world into cocktails and spirits that I didn’t realize I had a knack for.

Fast forward to 2008 when I married my husband and became certified as an indoor cycling instructor!

Bam! This fitness thing rocks!

When we opened our doors to our first wine bar in 2010, I was thankful I had the gym to release the business-owner stress, but little did I know I was about to start another business to fill my cup.

In 2014 I took my love for fitness, a good sweat, teaching and running a business to start coaching others in health. Only it was a requirement to live balanced and never deprive ourselves of the things that we love most (like margaritas!).

In 2015 we opened our second wine and whiskey bar and here I sit, 3 time business owner, making the best cocktails I know, sharing my knowledge of wine, leading a team of rockstar coaches, and getting in my daily sweat.

I am a Fit Bartender.