4 years have gone by and I am still honored to attend this crazy fun Leadership Retreat with my team.

Only this year, it was even more special….because I was able to invite some of my very own coaches to attend with me.

It became clear to me that in these 4 years, I have gone from spending time with complete strangers, to looking forward to having a weekend away with my PEOPLE.  These women (and men!) work their butts off to meet qualifications and become leaders so that we can learn from each other, get top-training and resources, while having a ridiculous good time.

Like Karaoke in a biker bar

Here’s a little peek into my 4 days in Orlando with the coolest people I know…

On Wednesday I arrived at our Leadership Retreat for a VIP night with the top leaders as we all piled into a HUGE limo which took us to dinner in downtown Orlando.  Afterwards we piled back in for some Karaoke…getting schooled that just because it says Karaoke on the front of the bar, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the kind of experience I remember from my college days.  I will say that being surrounded by bikers in leather and tattoos made for great stories!

Thursday was an opportunity for me to lead a group workout with my girls.  I am obsessed with HIIT and strength from LIIFT4, and that’s exactly what they got!  Oh how they love my grit…or maybe it’s more like hate me today, love me tomorrow??  Either way we sweat in that Orlando heat and after cooling off, it was professional photoshoot time!  It always makes me feel spoiled to have my hair and makeup done at Leadership Retreat…and someone to document that I am not just in leggings all day!

We spent the rest of the sunny day of our Leadership Retreat in the pool.  Laughing with margaritas in hand and just being with each other.  We all live in different corners of the country, so it is just a treat to all be in the same spot…even for just a few days.

Once the rest of the 90 women arrived (yep, 90!) we all got into our matching jammies (which as you get to know me, was WAY out of character for me to be in pink floral pajamas haha) and spent time “slumber party style” telling our stories and really getting to know one another.  The impact of a simple decision to take care of our own health in hopes to inspire others was SO obvious.

Friday was full of training from corporate vice president and sales team.  Talk about TOP training!!  Our team really brings out all the stops so that we can each be successful in this business…while still being true to ourselves.

More fun in the evening with homemade guacamole (yep, highlight of the trip, duh!) and game night.  Don’t laugh!  You know you love games too!  And I am pretty sure I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.  The best!

Saturday included more training and more pool time!  Are you catching the trend?  See, over the 4 years we have learned that these days together need to be a time to learn but also a time to recharge.  We earn that downtime, but thrive in the training.  I think we nailed the balance of it all this time.

I think back to my first Leadership Retreat 4 years ago in Destin, FL.  I knew absolutely NO ONE.  Yet, I knew that I had to get on that plane and soak in the weekend.  I left that retreat with TRUE friendships and a fire within me to inspire more people and influence their health.  It’s hard to put into words at times, but there really is nothing like this opportunity.  It is fulfilling in ways that you would never expect.  It offers support when you need it.  Challenges you when it’s time to push and brings so much love that you can’t imagine life without it.  And this is coming from a girl who doesn’t do touchy-feely mushy stuff!

I knew when I got on the plane on Sunday morning to come back home that I HAD to make it my mission to offer this opportunity to more women.  I could not stop sharing it and talking about our Leadership Retreat.  I could not take no for an answer.  I had to keep shouting it from the rooftops.  Not only so that we can vacation together (because hello!  I love sunshine!) but because there is success (and I am talking REAL success) in this for EVERYONE.  The sky is the limit and I am reminded of this everyday.

I know you are curious (I mean, you made it all the way to the end of this post!) so check out the details for free!

I am running a Glimpse into Being a Fitness Influencer over on Facebook and answering those frequently asked questions so that you can learn more and grab your spot on our top team!  Click here to join the group!

Ready to join me today?  Fill out the application below to be considered for a spot on the team!


Team Fit Rig