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6 Health Benefits of Red Wine

You cannot escape the swirling amount of info around the health benefits of red wine. It has been a topic of conversation for a while now, encouraging people to drink up! Enjoy red wine! It is GOOD for you! OK know I love an excellent bottle of red, but is it...

I Gave Up Drinking for 21 Days

On February 13th I started one of the hardest nutrition programs around, the Ultimate Reset. It required a lot of will power, a lot of cooking, and some big changes in my house.When you live for creating (and tasting) fun new cocktails....and Friday nights aren't the same without a glass of wine....And...

Citrus Season Cocktails

While we might be shivering in the North and dealing with the never-ending snow (please someone dig me out!), our sunshine states are growing some seriously gorgeous citrus fruits that we need to take advantage of....and I'm not just talking breakfast. Squeeze 'em, slice 'em, and muddle 'em up...let's get citrusy up...

Smarter Cocktail Choices

Hitting the bar isn’t quite as healthy as, say, hiking; but it doesn’t have to be a calorie-fest, either. Staying on track while drinking is all about making smart choices (and remembering those choices in the morning—drink a glass of water per alcoholic bev to stay alert and hydrated).Socializing is a major...

Mint Up your Cocktails

One of the best ways to kick up the flavor in a refreshing cocktail, WITHOUT ADDED CALORIES or sugar, is to add some mint! It can be subtle, or bold, but it is always the perfect addition to truly a million varieties of cocktails. Here’s why and how to get mint into...

Cocktail Spotlight: Charcoal

While in Vancouver recently, the server recommended I try their Black Pearl cocktail. I usually go with recommendations to be adventurous and because the people who work there, usually know their stuff. I didn’t even look at the menu, so I had no idea if the Black Pearl was going to be...